Rock-Fish and Lingcod

There are many species of rock-fish out of Craig, Alaska that you can catch and they are some of the best eating fish that swim.
Ling cod are also very common whenever you are fishing the rock-piles. They are an apex predator that is fun to catch and delicious to eat. Your average ling cod will go 25 pounds with fish 40 pounds and over being common.
Rock-fish and ling cod are a blast to catch on jigs.
The current limit is 5 pelagic rock-fish daily, 1 non pelagic rock-fish daily and 1 yellow-eye rock-fish annually.
Ling cod is 1 fish annually from 30" - 45".
Ling cod are also very common whenever you are fishing the rock-piles. They are an apex predator that is fun to catch and delicious to eat. Your average ling cod will go 25 pounds with fish 40 pounds and over being common.
Rock-fish and ling cod are a blast to catch on jigs.
The current limit is 5 pelagic rock-fish daily, 1 non pelagic rock-fish daily and 1 yellow-eye rock-fish annually.
Ling cod is 1 fish annually from 30" - 45".